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Sunday, January 2, 2022

Let’s make a resolution to not work so hard in 2016 and goof off more!

Happy new year to all! Were back from all the breaks and vacations and it’s time to kick off a great and exciting New Year. I won’t go in to making resolutions or any of that. We all have them, and most of us probably if were honest, break them by the first quarter, if not weeks, anyway.  As I took my annual break that I do every year between Christmas and New Year’s though, I did take some time to think about things for the upcoming year and thought back to events from the past year.

Business was great, we celebrated our second year of business, and we successfully completed and turned over our first major project, Springhill Suites in Lewisville Texas, and we began some great new projects that we will finish this year. Of course, we had some hurdles, we struggled through some things, naturally, but we had our moments of great successes also which is about all you can ask for.  I am really excited about next year now that we have gotten our feet firmly planted, processes working smoother and were looking forward to continued growth and tightening up of things as always to continue in our goal of always being better, faster, stronger.

So, the big thing I am going to do this year as the title says is not work so much and so hard! Seriously, the one thing we all talk about not having enough of is ….  time. What we all regret I think, especially as we get older and begin looking back, is not spending enough time with those we care most about, our kids, spouses, parents, extended family, and friends. Our companies, our careers, and day to day duties are important, we all know that, but is it truly more important than those we care about? We always say no it isn’t, but what do we do about it?

Recently I have had my 84-year-old Dad staying with us and hopefully will for a while longer. While he has some medical issues tracking back to his years and years in the Military, he does fairly well most of the time. It has been a little bit of a change in the normal routine but nothing too major. I know he hates feeling like he is burdening us, but you know what? I am loving every second of it. Yeah, I’ve heard the stories countless times, big deal, I still relish hearing them again and again. The big thing though is it’s made me more cognizant about leaving work on time and focusing more on family and that’s a good thing.  There are always things to do at work and always will be at the end of the day, but you know what I found out? It was all there the next day and no major catastrophes happened because I didn’t stay and do something, the world did not end, and nothing came crashing down. It’s even made me realize how much I love and care for my MUCH better half who has jumped in with both feet to help. All in all, I realized, my dad being with us makes me a better person.

So, this year, my advice to everyone, make more of an effort OUTSIDE of work. Get out and do something with those you care about. It’s like so many other things, we may have to learn to do it sometimes, and yes, that does mean making and EFFORT!  I don’t mean go out to dinner or movie type stuff either.  Get out and have an EXPEREINCE with them! Whether it’s taking Mom to her favorite Museum one afternoon, Dad to a ball game, do something with your brother or sister, build something with the kids …. REALLY INTERACT. These are what true memories are made of.

So, in 2016 my friends, what I wish for you all is that you goof off more at work and enjoy incredible exciting adventures and make memories that last you and those you care about a lifetime!

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